Post by lucydales on Dec 2, 2011 22:13:54 GMT -1
Hello! I is feeling not very well tonight. I is doing sweating, heavy breathing and is not being an annoying little knob! Mummy and I got shut in stables when everyone else went out after tea. Lucy came back after an hour with reinforcements and stuck something up my bum and said I was too hot! Tell me something I don't know! That's the last time I bend over to pick up an apple with her behind me! At least they seemed pleased I'd done a poo and wee'd for england. They went off to talk to the nice lady from the pie factory. She must have put a good word in for me cos I got extra tea with yellow granules in, Mummy didn't get anything so wasn't impressed! We then got let out but the yard gate was shut. Sue did say let's go back to the pub. HELLOOOOOO! You seem to have forgotten the gate! Heelllooooo! Bugger! I did stand outside and cool down a bit. It did rain which was cool and Mummy did stand inside grumbling, she said "do not breathe when they come back!". Steve did then come and talk to Mummy and Lucy did come to count my breathing so I did hold my breath and eat her torch so she did think I was better and agreed to let us out. It's a tough life being a small boy. Byieee! Tim x
Post by sck1 on Dec 3, 2011 5:21:30 GMT -1
OOOH Tim , I have missed you! So sorry you were feeling ill but glad you are better and are allowed out now x
Post by olivia on Dec 3, 2011 5:30:40 GMT -1
Oh Tim. Do feel better soon. Being poorly sick is no fun at all.
Post by cadeby on Dec 3, 2011 7:33:57 GMT -1
Poor Tim. Hope he's back to 100% soon
Post by dalesponyrider on Dec 3, 2011 7:44:55 GMT -1
Oh Tim! You poor thing! Hope you are feeling lots better! X
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Post by leannwithconnie on Dec 3, 2011 8:39:19 GMT -1
Awww Tim...hope your much better today... can't have our favourite author getting sick
Post by SuzieP on Dec 3, 2011 9:15:09 GMT -1
You poor old thing - hope you're feeling better today, Tim. It really is lovely to see you blogging again - we do miss you, but understand how busy Lucy is and how sometimes life gets in the way of posting on DFs.
Big hugs - and give Luce a bit of a snuzz from me.
Post by harveydales on Dec 3, 2011 12:16:58 GMT -1
Good to hear from you,Tim, but sorry you were poorly. Hope you've fully recovered now. Did you do it on purpose to give your Mum a scare?
Post by lucydales on Dec 3, 2011 12:45:55 GMT -1
I is feeling much more like MEEEE this morning, thank you! I is not back to full kno*b status yet but is well on the mend. I do not like being pawlie and I is keeping my bum to the wall just incase! I have a sneaking suspicion that something is going to happen soon. I keep getting a bridle put on which is really annoying as it stops me eating things I shouldn't! Where's the fun in that?? Anyway, i is off now to make some mischief! Tx
Post by mickey on Dec 3, 2011 20:51:55 GMT -1
Tim- ozzie here. With practise it is possible to eat with a bridle on. We have to to survive you see. Drinking water is more tricky as it squirts out of the side but I can manage that too- mustn't let Rory have either of my food or water!! And for me a bridle is good, we go for rides where I take in the scenery and amble along. This annoys my designated human but does mean I get extra food to speed me up. Ha!! Like heck it does but I don't argue!
Post by leannwithconnie on Dec 4, 2011 9:11:48 GMT -1
Tim- ozzie here. With practise it is possible to eat with a bridle on. We have to to survive you see. Drinking water is more tricky as it squirts out of the side but I can manage that too- mustn't let Rory have either of my food or water!! And for me a bridle is good, we go for rides where I take in the scenery and amble along. This annoys my designated human but does mean I get extra food to speed me up. Ha!! Like heck it does but I don't argue! There you are Tim...straight from the horses mouth so to speak!
Post by benjismum on Dec 4, 2011 17:35:28 GMT -1
So glad to hear you are feeling better Tim, just make sure you keep your bum to the wall and don't pick any apples up when Lucy is around
Post by lucydales on Dec 4, 2011 18:49:05 GMT -1
Thank you Ozzie. I will practice hard and see if I can get the hang of it!
I is nearly back to normal now, and the smack rate and "Oh, Tim, you kn*b" level is increasing.
Tim x
Post by valerie n scout on Dec 4, 2011 22:53:25 GMT -1
ohhh am so pleased your back to being you annoying self ... Uncle Scout here "if you really create, and tell HER by sweating you really can't cope..mine took pity and I don't wear a metal thing ever" " having said that she's a soft s@d" !
Post by dalesponyrider on Dec 5, 2011 8:56:31 GMT -1
So pleased that you are feeling better!
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