Post by minniemouse on Jun 24, 2014 18:27:25 GMT -1
Well after 3 weeks of trying to get rid of kennys feather mites I think I have finally won the battle! He has had scabies lotion on then washed in headlice shampoo at leat 4 times. Then I bought a big bottle of front line spray ftom the vet which cleared up all the sores on 3 of his legs but he still had a couple of sores left on his worse affected one.
I have just got the vet to give him a dectomax jab to make sure I have finished the little blighters off!!
Has anyone else dealt with mited and if so what did you use to prevent them coming back? I havr bought some pig oil n sulphur but a bit wary of using it in the hot weather.
Post by harveydales on Jun 24, 2014 19:21:25 GMT -1
Well done! I've never ha a severe case and Frontline has always done the job for me. Fingers crossed you're on top of it now.
Post by cutemangurdi1 on Jun 24, 2014 20:21:02 GMT -1
Like Pam I have never had a severe case, but frontline was always good for me and the dectomax injection killed all known germs dead! lol
Post by dalesnfellfan on Jun 25, 2014 8:05:39 GMT -1
Pig oil and sulphur for mild cases but have had to resort to dectomax with both of mine which works well but I would only use as avery last resort again for Emerald as she had such a bad reaction to it.
Post by minniemouse on Jun 25, 2014 11:36:50 GMT -1
oh dear what reaction did she Emerald have? did she react straight away? x
Post by dalesnfellfan on Jun 25, 2014 13:13:28 GMT -1
oh dear what reaction did she Emerald have? did she react straight away? x She reacted to this and previously to a combined wormer by becoming extremely nervous, depressed and agitated, almost a complete change of character lasting a quite few days. The reaction to the wormer and to the first detromax was within few days days after dosing but with the second detromax it was the same day. It was the last reaction, which was the most severe, that resulted in my accident 3 months ago when she exploded during a schooling session and bucked me off and resulted in broken ribs and shoulder blade. My vet's not sure whether she's reacting to the chemicals or to the dead worms/microflora in the gut, but thinks it's because the gut is still sensitive from damage when she was so poor before I had her.
Post by minniemouse on Jun 25, 2014 20:23:26 GMT -1
Oh no your going yo be really nervous when you have to worm her again ! I did the 5 day panacur as vet said it was a more gentle way if they have a heavy worm burden. And he did ask me if he had been wormed in the last 2 weeks before giving him the dectomax as he couldn't do it if so. X
Post by jap on Jun 26, 2014 6:17:36 GMT -1
don't forget a second dectomax injection 17 days after the first one.i,m sorry there was a reaction, I,ve never heard of that before.
Post by dalesnfellfan on Jun 26, 2014 7:45:19 GMT -1
My vet also said to use the 5 day panacur next time, he is also going to give her something to protect her gut and as an extra precaution I will give her 1 -2 weeks off riding when I next worm her (I only worm if she has a high count, but so far her count has been > 2000 epg each time). I cannot risk riding her again while she might have a reaction as she has had me off twice now because of it, complete change of character, she is normally a lovely easy ride. Next worm count in August so will be speaking to vet when I get results for his recommendations.
Post by ikklecob on Jun 26, 2014 13:32:21 GMT -1
Post by wdf on Jun 27, 2014 8:30:04 GMT -1
Dectomax was the only solution for my mare after years of trying different lotions & potions. I wouldn't use anything else if I had another one with feather mites.
Post by minniemouse on Jun 27, 2014 19:59:48 GMT -1
Thank you for the link to the shampoo, i have already bought some dermoline shampoo the other day but i will keep that in mind for the future.
all is legs are clear of sores now so think the dectomax has worked for the final blitz! he has had pig oil and sulphur on today as well to keep them away and help his feather grow x
Post by louise on Jul 23, 2014 10:26:28 GMT -1
I am new to all this so hope this message works! Mable (Maidendale nocturne) suffered from mites on her neck, mane, face and between her back legs. She rubbed her mane out last year but so far this year it has stayed nice and thick. She was also in a foul mood whenever they flared up! At least I knew they were back before she became too symptomatic as the vet said we always caught them early.
She has a jab from the vet in Feb and Oct but this year I have also been using Frontline spot on for large breed dogs once a month at the base of her mane and she has remained clear... She also wears a fly rug with neck cover which stops her rubbing. When I bath her I just use an anti itch shampoo. The spot on is just easier to use - less messy. If the mites came back or spread I would use another spot on, probably at the base of her tail or under her belly depending on where they were. You could use them in the feathers? It seems to have worked so well, I may risk carrying on with the spot on and not do the jabs... Depends how brave I am feeling! Hope this helps?
Post by minniemouse on Jul 31, 2014 22:03:19 GMT -1
Thanks for the tips about the spot on x he is definitely clear of mites now as all his scabs in his legs have gone and his feathers have started to grow back nicely. He will have another dectomax jab in October as a precaution before he is turned out in his winter field but I do check his legs every day to make sure there's no sign of them coming back x
Post by harveydales on Aug 1, 2014 5:16:29 GMT -1
That's good news.