Post by mickey on Jun 23, 2007 20:09:24 GMT -1
Post by zeldalithgow on Jun 23, 2007 20:55:24 GMT -1
But what is hiding under the towel
Post by SuzieP on Jun 24, 2007 7:22:22 GMT -1
ROFL Emily. I guess the towel is heat sensitive is it and disappears when the hot iron gets on it. LOL
Now what would be really useful is a similar one with a girl on it - to get all those reluctant male ironers motivated!
Post by Rowndan on Jun 24, 2007 7:22:29 GMT -1
something small probably!!!
Post by SuzieP on Jun 24, 2007 7:25:27 GMT -1
Row!!! LOL - you do make me laff!!!
Post by mickey on Jun 24, 2007 18:24:53 GMT -1
Post by bevbob on Jun 25, 2007 17:42:34 GMT -1
ROFL!! this had made me really laugh, I was expecting some great tips on horsey stuff etc! My ironing pile is HUGE! I can spend 3 hours ironing and it still doesnt make a dent, far too many clothes I think is the problem. I have to iron, theres been times my kids have gone to school with creased shirts, oh the shame!
Post by zeldalithgow on Jun 25, 2007 20:03:09 GMT -1
Bev repeat after me I DO NOT NEED TO IRON - I DO NOT NEED TO IRON - I DO NOT NEED TO IRON ;D ;D how smooth are the shirts by the time break arrives lol my kids school had polo shirts as part of the unifrom great things didn't need to iron them and wouldn't iron them
Post by bevbob on Jun 25, 2007 20:13:06 GMT -1
LOL Zelda, even the 'non iron' shirts and trousers need ironing!! I think its because I should smooth them out after they come out of the washer, I just chuck em on the line, radiators etc. Karen said she smooths hers out and hangs them to dry so maybe I should give it a go.
Post by zeldalithgow on Jun 25, 2007 20:38:25 GMT -1
What spin speed is your washer Bev as the faster it spins the more creased the clothes, if you can reduce the spin speed and give them a good shake/flick you might not need to iron ;D ;D
Post by bevbob on Jun 25, 2007 20:48:46 GMT -1
Oh I didnt think of that Zelda! It is quite a fast one and I wash most things on 60, well the kids and Oz's. I used to think it was because I was overloading it but I do small washes now. Thanks for that Ill try it! Haha, dont we talk about some interesting things! Have I just killed a funny thread?
Post by carolinec on Jun 28, 2007 16:40:01 GMT -1
You are all completely mad!!!! ROFL For the record, I do iron my work clothes but nothing else. Rick does all his own ironing too and sometimes even does mine (are you all green with envy now???) Oh yes, and he does all the cooking too
Post by greydales on Jun 28, 2007 18:33:53 GMT -1
Rick is an absolute star! Dave does his shirts but doesn't know one end of a cooker from the other! He can tend a BBQ though ;D
I get away with hardly ironing anything, as my washer has a 'reduced ironing' button (basically it doesn't spin as fast). Also when I hang them up I smooth them out beforehand like Karen, and when they come in I fold them up neatly.
Some items do still need ironing but not many and this has always worked well for me!
Post by SuzieP on Jun 28, 2007 21:27:09 GMT -1
Dave is a dab hand with the BBQ Gill - and he has so many other wonderful qualities which must more than compensate for lack of cooking skills..... ;-)