Post by dollylanedales on Jun 5, 2008 10:26:35 GMT -1
I do not use Bute any more, prefer the liquid no bute remedies, but my Old Shetland used to eat it quite happily if it was mixed well in with his feed .....damped down bran was good for hiding the taste, and it mixed in well. I am sure the ponies can see the powder as well as smell it, no matter how good you think its hidden.
Post by zeldalithgow on Jun 5, 2008 15:02:21 GMT -1
I've used jam sandwiches with great success, and I think Alison (merlinalison) hollows out a mars bar to put the bute in
Post by mickey on Jun 5, 2008 19:32:50 GMT -1
Jam sarnie sometimes works, or does he like speedibeet? If he's allowed a decent amount make if fairly sloppy and mix the bute in well.
Post by tinastephenson on Jun 5, 2008 20:20:32 GMT -1
tried the speedibeet with no success.. He is going downhill again tonight! Vet said I could lead him to small amount of grass so i took him 20 yards to small starvation paddock. after 15 minutes he was quite happy to stagger, literally, back to his barn, since then though he looks in so much pain, I hate it! I have syringed bute down to try and relieve pain, vet coming tomorrow, but. he definately does not look as good as he did. Really worried about the long term prognosis, I know I am worrying hopefully ahead of time but he looks in so much pain tonight, he has not laid down now since a week last wednesday and I think he is in danger of toppling over, he keeps trying to sleep then suddenly locking his kneecaps to stop himself. I think I was slightly opptomistic in hoping he was getting better so quickly......
Post by harleydales on Jun 5, 2008 20:27:56 GMT -1
Oh Tina, that's not what I wanted to hear. If you get any more worried I would just phone the vet tonight. I had a terrible job getting Jenny to take bute or danilon - she would take it for 2 days in disguise (jam, marmite, sugar beet, stout) and then spit it out. In the end she wouldn't eat because she wasworried the bute was in it. I gave up with it and now use zerobute for her which does help, but I know that's not really an option for Curly just yet. Sending BIG strength to you and Curly
Post by Debbie on Jun 6, 2008 1:19:51 GMT -1
I agree with Jane, phone the vet pronto if you feel he's backsliding!!!
Post by harveydales on Jun 6, 2008 5:11:58 GMT -1
Oh no, Tina, I'm so sorry to hear this. I do hope Curly felt a bit more comfortable once the bute got into his system again. It looks like you will hve to stick to the syringing method then. Have you tired the apple method? I made a hole in an apple quarter, filled it with some bute and then put a cap of apple back on. I think it took 4 quarters per sachet. It is bound to be a long haul so try not to get despondent. These things often seem like 2 steps forward and one step back. You have both fought so hard - sending you lots of strength. Is it the laminitis side causing him the pain now? If so, I bought Quest (at huge expense ) some special boots which he can wear all the time when he gets a very bad bout. They give support and allow him to move reasonabley comfortabley - I know how upsetting it is to see them in such pain. Also, because Quest has bone changes due to his laminitis/cushings I am trying some special hoof wraps which are very new on the market. They have helped him tremendously and he can even canter in the field again where as before he was hobbling about and very foot sore. So the long term prognosis needn't be so bleak. I can PM you details of both these products if you think they might help. Keep strong.
Post by tinastephenson on Jun 6, 2008 11:33:34 GMT -1
Vet is coming at 4 today, have so much to run past her! going to talk to her about multivitamins, change of pain killers, foot supports..... please can you let me know about the wraps etc? Quest sounds like he has improved a lot, its most definately the laminitis causing problems to Curly now. Poor lad is in so much pain today. ..
Post by harveydales on Jun 6, 2008 13:10:17 GMT -1
Will PM you.
Post by dollylanedales on Jun 6, 2008 14:43:03 GMT -1
sorry to hear Curly is in so much pain. I know from my Shetland having laminitis, when he had a really bad attack he was awful, and even just walking outside was too much for him. He used to lean against the wall of the stable to take the weight off his hooves.
I found the no bute definitely helped ease his pain. Also hawthorn leaves from the hedges, which are good for circulation, and I found that willow leaves, the trees grow near rivers, I fed him the branches, because they have a form of painkiller in them, like aspirin.
Do hope the vet can come up with some pain relief.
Post by cadeby on Jun 7, 2008 5:24:39 GMT -1
Harveydales - can you post the link to the laminitis hoof wraps please?
I don't have a pony that needs anything like that but I am intrigued to see what they are, how they work etc... It's good to keep up-to-date just in case!
These forums are great for sharing "new technology" aren't they.
Tina - how is Curly today?
Post by harveydales on Jun 7, 2008 6:39:57 GMT -1
I'll PM you Helen.
Post by nars on Jun 7, 2008 12:12:05 GMT -1
I'm sorry to hear about the turn for the worse, Tina. I saw the hoof wraps on Quest and they look a wonderful aid for horses suffering foot problems such as lami.
Post by bevbob on Jun 7, 2008 18:53:46 GMT -1
Really sorry to hear Curly isnt so good at this time. The hoof wraps sound a good idea though, hopefully he will get back on the good side.
Post by tinastephenson on Jun 8, 2008 12:27:36 GMT -1
This is getting really bad now! The vet came out and Curly had heart rate of 58, which is the best it has been since this started, temperature back to normal, in fact all vital signs are really good. she asked me to get farrier out and trim back the toes to make him more comfortable. Curly also laid down which I was really pleased about, he obviously has the confidence he can get back up ok now. Anyway, farrier came this morning, no digital pulses, no heat in the feet but on one front hoof their is a gap developing between the coronet band and the actual hoof!!! I cannot believe it, I really thought we had turned a corner. Farrier was not hopefull that Curly will make it...... Please does anyone have any advice on laminitis this bad? have phoned vet to update her and get her thoughts... just cannot stop crying which is not helping Curly at all...