Post by zeldalithgow on Aug 6, 2008 20:46:33 GMT -1
Wonderful set of pics Evie, don't think Luce will have loading troubles with Tim ;D
Post by lucydales on Aug 6, 2008 20:57:43 GMT -1
Evie, your pics are wicked!!! Bit like my pony! ;D Was up at 4.45am to go to Ulvaston for the day so will explain all tomorrow as am too tired now, just came on to see if Evie had posted some pics! Many thanks! PS Sue says poos are back to normal, typically as I'd posted some through the vets door in the small hours this morning!!
Post by harveydales on Aug 7, 2008 5:13:31 GMT -1
What a good boy! Lovely pics Evie. Waiting to hear the full story now.
Post by jay on Aug 7, 2008 7:09:08 GMT -1
Ahhhh he is just adorable! I've only just found this section...i've never ventured into 'breeding' before, so glad i've found all these lovely piccies!
Post by cadeby on Aug 7, 2008 7:26:33 GMT -1
Tim is a superstar There is no end to his talents...........
Post by lucydales on Aug 7, 2008 11:01:24 GMT -1
He's learning French as we speak, Helen! Watch your post! Ha ha!
Post by lucydales on Aug 7, 2008 11:23:40 GMT -1
Okay, where to start?!
Sunday evening Sue and I took the trailer into the field to do basic intros with Tim. The grown ups (apart from mummy) were shut out but he was too interested in the grown ups bit of the field to notice the trailer! LOL!
So we put it and him back in their bit of the field and suddenly it became interesting! Sue led Amy in but he was quite happy to stay with me and not follow mummy! d**n!
We had a look at the little ramp and I picked up a front hoof and placed it on the trailer. He did some pawing and niffing and licking of the ramp ("Oh, I can't eat it then??!) and the walked in to see mummy much to my amazement! By which time Amy had got bored and dragged Sue out of the front door, so out he came of the front. We did another circuit and he followed Amy in quite happily! He was getting pieces of apple and scratches in the trailer too.
We thought we'd call it a day at that but he thought it was a good game and took himself back in and out on his own a number of times! ("I've worked out how the apple dispenser works! Hee hee!!")
He was quite disappointed when we took the trailer away!
So Monday came. Snowdon's arrived on mass, thankfully just before Paul, my vet. Isaac and Pants had micro-chips done (Isaac thought it was an average size horse fly bite, Pants - that we were trying to kill him!)
Grown ups were evicted, little man and Mummy brought in. He helped Paul do his passport picture, then was a star having the chip given the size of the needle! That's why he has blood on the near side of his neck in the piccies, poor little man! Then some hair removed for DNA testing which was worse than the chip as it has to be removed with the roots! All done, back out!
Then in the afternoon we did trailer loading again (hence Evie's lovely pics) and he was brill. The final one had the front ramp closed and one back door shut and he took himself in! I went in with him and we shut the other door for a few seconds, no bother!
He fell in love with Evie and Grace, mugged Mr S as he had a camera, and basically shoved his little butt in everyones faces to be scratched!
He was groomed every where, cuddled to death and still came hooning back for more!
We looked at some Dales geneology, did some herbs and oils stuff, had a nice tea which Steve had kindly cooked, and all in all had a lovely day!
It was great that everyone came to help me, especially with the vet stuff, I couldn't have managed on my own! Thank you so much!
Post by cadeby on Aug 7, 2008 13:36:01 GMT -1
He's learning French as we speak, Helen! Watch your post! Ha ha! Maybe all he'll ever need to know is "je t'aime, je t'aime" I am mega-impressed how well Tim's loading experience has gone. He's clearly a well-adjusted, intelligent and confident little guy. Unfortunately our box doesn't have a side-ramp, so it's a lot darker and gloomy and not quite so good for training purposes. We'll just have to see how Jacq gets on with it now that Tim has "set the loading standard" Love the photos - especially the dreamy one with Evie (both very pretty) and the last one - classic foalie photo (can Mr S edit out the fence?)
Post by lucydales on Aug 7, 2008 20:33:47 GMT -1
Evie, your edit is brill, even if he is a moth eaten little git! He had 3 out of four hooves rasped a little today as Jane was here doing the grown ups. He has one leg (off right) that he always nearly falls over when you pick it up for more than a few seconds! He was also shut in the stable without mummy (only a Lucy for scratching company!) with Amy tied up outside whilst she had her feet done, as he kept wandering off to talk to the big boys at the gate which was stressing Amy, he wasn't much fussed, just walked round licking things! Not bad for a small person!
Post by nars on Aug 7, 2008 21:19:03 GMT -1
He's lovely. I've only just discovered these threads. He looks like a fun pony.
Post by lucydales on Aug 8, 2008 10:55:29 GMT -1
I can't believe how big he is getting compared to 2 months ago! Small was preferable as most things need jumping on at the moment and I don't trust him with my back turned! LOL! I can feel a length of polypipe being in order! We need to do some leading practice now, and also tying up. How soon does everyone start that?? Should I have done that by now?? I must admit to being worried about damaging his poll area if we end up having a pulling match.
Post by leannwithconnie on Aug 8, 2008 17:52:04 GMT -1
I'm amazed!! what a little star to be going in and out of a trailer at such a young age. I bet everyone wishes all foal were this calm and courageous. Your wonderful Tim
Post by lucydales on Aug 9, 2008 15:11:36 GMT -1
Sue's volunteered to lead Amy! I wonder why?? We did leading practice round the track this morning in the rain. He was a monster!!
Post by lucydales on Aug 9, 2008 20:33:20 GMT -1
No, YOU ARE!!!!! Haahahaaaaa! Best bib and tucker! Sue and I are trying leading practice. He's NOT impressed!! Your baby, me thinks!
Post by dalesponyrider on Aug 10, 2008 6:07:43 GMT -1
I don't really believe all these "monster" and "naughty boy" tales. He looks an absolute angel to me! LOL!
What a brave boy to go in and out the trailer like that and to be so calm in the stable without his Mummy.
He sounds a superstar to me.