Jul 27, 2006 11:22:43 GMT -1
Post by akehurstannabel on Jul 27, 2006 11:22:43 GMT -1
Does anyone know what the half life is of Bute? Jo x
Jul 27, 2006 12:04:46 GMT -1
Post by merlinalison on Jul 27, 2006 12:04:46 GMT -1
The Merck Vet manusl says "The plasma half-life of phenylbutazone is 5-6 hr in horses and dogs and >30 hr in cattle." but other sites suggest that its different in different ages of cattle and the Canadian equivalent of Defra states on its horse pages that "other drugs that affect the liver (microsomal enzyme inducers), such as barbiturates, rifampin, or corticosteroids, may decrease the plasma half-life of phenylbutazone (period the medication is in the body) by causing increased metabolism of phenylbutazone."
Jul 27, 2006 17:34:50 GMT -1
Post by akehurstannabel on Jul 27, 2006 17:34:50 GMT -1
Thank you very much. That is very helpful. Jo x
Jul 27, 2006 19:20:15 GMT -1
Post by mickey on Jul 27, 2006 19:20:15 GMT -1
Ive read somewhere its 8 hours but am trying to confirm what it actually is in horses as I cant understand why its a twice daily dose......
Jul 27, 2006 21:29:53 GMT -1
Post by khristyne on Jul 27, 2006 21:29:53 GMT -1
The vet told me 11 hours, theres another opinion for the pot!!!! LOL I hope none of yours needs it.