Post by cutemangurdi1 on Jul 10, 2012 16:15:23 GMT -1
Glad things are still going well, Debbie. What a tough cat he is.
Post by dalesponyrider on Jul 10, 2012 20:26:00 GMT -1
That is such good news Debbie. Keeping everything crossed for a good result from the culture.
Post by valerie n scout on Jul 11, 2012 14:57:02 GMT -1
yey fantastic news Debbie, way to go Mister XXX
Post by makemineadales on Jul 11, 2012 17:04:10 GMT -1
Debbie so pleased Mister is doing well good job done by all x
Post by Debbie on Jul 13, 2012 15:50:37 GMT -1
Just got the phone message from Mister's vet and the culture came back as nothing in the wound. Or at least, they couldn't grow anything from the sample we sent. So at this point, we carry on with the antibiotics he has until the bottle runs out. Last night I had to pill Mister by myself and again he was a little star only a small tiff to open his mouth for the pill, and away it went. He gave me a bigger fuss about having to take the water LOL. He's the oddest critter when it comes to water. The vet was telling me how cats loved the fresh water with these new waterfall type waterbowls. I explained that I offered Mister very fresh daily, and when outdoors, he would turn his nose up at the clean, freshly filled bowl, walk over to the mankiest looking mudpuddle he could find and then drink from that I'm not even going to think about all the stuff he ingests when he does that, but since he's typically an outside kitty, we shrug and realize there's only so much we can do. I'm SO hopeful that we're nearing the end and it will fully heal. Mister's feeling much his old self and is starting to play and get bored in the bedroom. I'm sure he can't wait to get back outside. I'm so glad to see this because he's been so sick for much of the year, spending weeks on end just laying there
Post by valerie n scout on Jul 13, 2012 21:12:51 GMT -1
there is no accounting for taste Debbie x
Post by Debbie on Jul 17, 2012 6:13:14 GMT -1
Yeah, I could understand if Mister simply wanted to drink from a clean outdoors water source, but he's always gone out of his way to drink from the skankiest looking puddle he can find I agree with Val, there's no accounting for taste with Mister. Boys As for Mister, he's been fab for the last 3 days as I've had to pill him myself. I'm not nearly as good at it as Eldon, but we've managed. Only 2 more days of tablets to go and I'll be very glad as he's getting harder and harder to get the water down. The wound itself still seeps and weeps, but I'm leaving well enough alone. So long as it looks like its progressing, I'll have to believe its natural from the wound mending across the very mobile elbow. I can't wait for Mister to get back to his outside duties. I've had to lay down poisons near our stored grain for the mushrooms and the other night I chased a mouse out of my hayshed the downside will be that I'll fuss and worry about Mister going out in the heat after being in the air conditioning this summer.
Post by Fi on Jul 17, 2012 19:09:31 GMT -1
good news no nasties in the wound this time. Fingers firmly crossed that he continues to heal when the drugs stop. Cats are odd - I have to keep the toliet seat down to stop Carly going head first into it for a drink.
Post by Debbie on Jul 19, 2012 11:23:24 GMT -1
one of my childhood cats was obsessed with drinking from the toilet. I'll never forget the day he fell in and ran up the hallway, slinging water everywhere. Yesterday was the very last day of the antibiotics. Mister point blank refused to let me pill him, so I had to get Eldon to help and even then he was like trying to pry open a bulldog's jaws. Silly So we'll keep everything tightly crossed that it completely and fully mends Thusfar the wound is still seeping a tad, but it is mostly closed and appears to be healing correctly ~ KNOCK ON WOOD!
Post by Fi on Jul 19, 2012 20:39:10 GMT -1
everything's crossed for him, Debbie.
Post by Debbie on Jul 24, 2012 10:17:39 GMT -1
Well at this point I'm still keeping him indoors because our outside temps are in the 40*s C. I'm not totally convinced yet, but the wound does appear healed. I'm still a little fussy over the puffiness behind his elbow/armpit area, but until it either ruptures and starts all over again, or goes down a bit more, I won't know if it's truly and fully gone. Mister says he's more than ready to go back outside, and I'm almost ready to let him, except our temps are so awful at the moment He doesn't have the sense to stay out of the sun, daft cat I'm worried I'll put him outside and he'll get heat stroke.
Post by olivia on Jul 24, 2012 12:09:50 GMT -1
So pleased to read that Mister has made such a good recovery. Now this Gulf stream has moved hopefully your temps will drop a bit and he can get outside to go for a good old play
Post by Miz.Dales on Jul 24, 2012 12:46:47 GMT -1
It's nice to hear that he's made a good recovery, fingers crossed the puffiness is nothing to worry about and he can go outside and play again soon
Post by leannwithconnie on Aug 17, 2012 17:05:52 GMT -1
Just wondering how Mister is doing Debbie??? Hope he is still making good progress?
Post by Debbie on Aug 17, 2012 18:23:44 GMT -1
I wish I could say its 100% completely healed, but its not about a week or more ago, he knocked off the scab that was over his elbow region. The wound didn't look as clean as I liked, but Eldon and I discussed it and decided after everything that he's been through, we'll wait and see if it can fully close without further messing around. So far the wound isn't showing signs of closing. Its staying open and is weepy. Mister's due for his yearly vaccines soon, so we'll see what the vet has to say about it. Since it hasn't fully healed, and as the original infection was highly resistant, we haven't allowed him outside or to be around Oogway. He loved to sleep in the hayshed, but I'm loathe to have him laying on Blossom's hay if he's still got an open staph wound. But on the positive side, he's the best looking so far since the original catfight. He's not fussed too much with still being kept indoors. In fact, I think he's rather glad of the pampering. Eldon and I have both noted how much he's aged this year. He limps a lot more than he used to and I think the rough outdoors kitty lifestyle is taking its toll. He turned 7 this year and I think he ran through at least 5 of his lives fighting this infection.