Post by Debbie on Jun 7, 2007 22:21:29 GMT -1
Post by lucydales on Jun 10, 2007 17:54:42 GMT -1
Update for Linda, things are starting to settle down at last! Officially D is a bully - both the other girls have chews to prove it!! D defers to both Pants and BnM (Pants sees off anyone who upsets Choc - the love of his life! If only he still had balls! Posh tottie!! LOL!) Poor Amy has hoof prints and bites to take to Bakewell next week!! Any way, some (poor quality!) pony pics: Count the bums... 5! Still 5 and no evils from the boys!! All in yard and BnM chilled!!! Pants, Amy and D D sneaky munch in the back ground You've outstayed your welcome!! (She nipped out quick up and over the mound and left him behind!) Isaac went out and D returned and bagged a stable! Such a tough life! I let them into the yard for the first time yesterday, Linda (with the stable doors shut) after we'd move all the running into things to the sides) and everyone was well behaved. I opened the stables for Choc this evening cos of the horse flies, and she and Amy went in, then Pants joined then and they went next door. D was trying stables and was repelled by Pants, then she went in with the ladies ( ) but she did an "Isaac" and swept them out without any evils! I think I'll have to invest in another stable as we have two big egos that are going to need their own!! The other 3 normally share as no one likes to go in with Isaac! All is well thankfully, so you can sleep a little sounder!
Post by dalesponyrider on Jun 10, 2007 19:58:07 GMT -1
Thank you sooooo much for posting these Lucy! D looks very different from the confused little girlie I left standing in the corner of the field by herself! I agree, she IS a bully! Once she is accepted as boss she doesn't bother any more though. I still wonder if she will be sizing the fellas up and looking for their weak points........
You must have worn your nerves out Lucy keeping an eye on them all. I'm really sorry about the bite and hoof marks. I did warn you though! I'll have to bring some extra treats for your girlies when I visit to make up for D's horribleness.
Post by harveydales on Jun 10, 2007 20:00:02 GMT -1
Great pics Lucy and I'm really enjoying hearing how the new herd pecking order is developing. I never tire from watching the goings on in my own little herd.
Where did you get those metal fences from? I've got a similar but smaller concreted area between teh stables and the paddock and field shelter but could make better use of it if I could rig up a similar fencing system.
Post by lucydales on Jun 10, 2007 20:23:05 GMT -1
Girlies may hold you to treats, Linda, apples, pears, uummm! I tried them all with a strawberry this morning, D and Choc were convinced it was poison and left their's, the rest magically vanished!!
Pam, I used to use metal jump poles and electric tape (not electrified) but Trolley-Polley (Amy) walked through that! They are pedestrian barriers, about £30 each, I then got a load more at a farm auction for £5! They are really good but you need fairly chilled ponies as they could put a hoof through (as Pants proved when he was feeling left out when I was practising trailer loading Isaac). I'll try and find the company if you're interested? You could also ask your local council if they have any going begging! I need them as they keep the ponies from the cars (and my marriage intact!) and the gate to the road. Not that they'd go out cos that would mean WORK heaven forbid!!
It's great for their feet some hard standing, and I can shut them in if Steve's doing things in the field (he doesn't do ponies!) or if someone's ill. Plus they can come and go to please themselves.
Suits me!
Post by zeldalithgow on Jun 10, 2007 20:37:47 GMT -1
I've seen old electric fence posts cemented into buckets and used as fencing(with electric tape ) on hard standing areas. I've been thinking of trying to fix up a way the ponies can get into the old cattle court here so that they can choose where to be but I'd need a long stretch of fencing to make a track from where they are at the mo Ooops meant to say all the ponies are looking nice and happy, it hasn't taken long for them to sort themselves out
Post by Debbie on Jun 11, 2007 19:11:40 GMT -1
My money's still ultimately on D! ;D Truly sorry to hear about the war wounds, though. Seems they always go through that when the pecking order is being resorted
Post by SuzieP on Jun 16, 2007 7:31:06 GMT -1
Any more news of D, Luce? Has the Handsome One arrived yet?
Post by clara on Jun 17, 2007 17:33:42 GMT -1
Amazing to see so many beautiful dales in the setting sun - great pics!
Post by emmadales on Jun 24, 2007 18:59:06 GMT -1
Any more news on d
how are things now
Post by lucydales on Jun 24, 2007 19:48:07 GMT -1
Everyone is settling down nicely, thank you.
Isaac boss, Pants no 2 (over D and Amy but defers to Choc), D no 3, Amy no 4, Choc no 5 (but Pants defers to her). The theory of linear pecking orders was disproved by Scheldrupp [spelling?!] (I think, if I re-call my behaviour stuff right), but it also depends on how precious the resource is to the individual (eg Choc always gets a stable!), eg a woman will back off from a man that beats her, but if he tries to hurt her child she may fight him. I find it all fascinating!
Amy came into season yesterday but sadly Sammy is unlikely to be able to get up this week so it'll be a few weeks before we can try again, but at least he will have finished his work at home so can come ant stay for a few weeks. Still need to decide where to put Isaac!!
D and Isaac are actually quite alike in their bullying modes, just Isaac is better at it! The only reason Pants keeps D at bay is to protect Choc! (Ain't love sweet! He adores her!)
I think we've still got a way to go before peace reigns supreme, I think you need a full year for all the RHP issues to have been worked through, but I'm very happy with progress!
Post by SuzieP on Jun 24, 2007 19:57:11 GMT -1
RHP Luce???
Post by lucydales on Jun 24, 2007 21:14:19 GMT -1
Resource Holding Potential! LOL! Sorry!
Post by SuzieP on Jun 24, 2007 21:38:37 GMT -1
Ahhh - OK. Thanks Luce..... and thanks for posting news of D. It's great to hear that she's settling into the herd. Can't wait to find out what she thinks of her new "husband"....!!
Post by harveydales on Jun 25, 2007 4:53:57 GMT -1
Thanks for the update Lucy. Actually, I find it facsinating watching the pecking order behaviours develop in a group. Even with only 3 in my group, I find it interesting to follow. What will happen when Sammy arives on the scene!